If you've ever tried to have a productive day with a headache, you know how hard it is to deal with that pounding, aching, pulsating pain dominating your awareness. It's hard to just lay down and exist, much less get things on your to-do list done. Headaches can have many causes, from life stress to illness. But did you know that there is a strong link between headaches and obstructive sleep apnea?
Morning headaches, especially, can be an indicator that you're not getting enough oxygen at night. When your brain is deprived of oxygen during sleep because of mild to moderate sleep-disordered breathing, it can cause blood vessel dilation and buildup of carbon dioxide, which then result in headaches after waking. If you experience morning headaches more than 50% of the time, it could be due to obstructive sleep apnea. There are many other potentially deleterious side effects of obstructive sleep apnea, such as irritability and low libido.

At Chester Dental Care, our collaborative team of specialists can help relieve the symptoms of mild to moderate sleep-disordered breathing. We use non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical methods to help expand the jaw and open the airway. Our orthodontic devices can help create increased oxygen flow during sleep, resulting in restorative sleep and greater well-being during waking life. We're meant to sleep soundly through the night and breathe through our noses - imagine how good it could feel for your body to get oxygen and sleep as nature intended.
We serve the greater Richmond metropolitan area with general and sleep dentistry services, including the cities of Petersburg, Hopewell, and Chester. From Hanover to Goochland, from Chesterfield to Henrico and New Kent, we can help create a treatment plan that will reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate sleep-disordered breathing. Schedule an appointment today and discover what life is like when you breathe right, sleep tight, and smile bright.